Saturday, April 10, 2010

Seven Million Wonders on Picture Day.

Today is picture day for our family. It looks like the weather is going to be nice, so I'm looking forward to it. I hope we can get some good shots. Could be tricky, because between Jared & I we aren't too photogenic. Oliver is going to have to carry a lot of the weight himself, I think.

The photographer's website has an intro page with the quote by Walt Streightiff (What, you've never heard of good ol' Walt?) that says, "There are no seven wonders in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."

Yesterday Oliver got to play in the grass for the first time, and he was fascinated. He wanted to eat it, he wanted to touch it, but when he fell face first into it, I don't think he cared for it much. I could see his brain trying to work out what grass exactly was.  If you had lived your whole life indoors and you had no concept of plants and growing things, what would you think? It would be pretty amazing.

Everything new is like that to him. Every tiny thing that I don't even think about is something exciting for him to learn. He really got a kick out of the squirrels in the park. He stared at big kids on the playground like he was trying to figure out how to copy them. He tried to take a rock home as a souvenir, but I wouldn't let him.

Instead, I took some photos of him in the grass.

And of course some photos of him eating the grass.

And him not liking the grass.
Debating the finer points of the grass.

And declaring it good.

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