Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day, from Oliver.

I would post pictures. However, as some of you have noticed, my camera is gone. It's with my parents in Oregon somehow. So, no pictures until they come back. Sorry.

I told Oliver that it's Valentine's Day today.

"OH GREAT! I like candy!"

That wasn't really the point I was trying to make but that is really the only point he cared about. If I'm being perfectly honest, I guess that's probably my favorite part of Valentine's Day too.

We sat together at the table eating breakfast and Oliver kept asking for candy. He took a bite of eggs.

"Can I have chocolate?"
"No. Not now."

He ate half his piece of toast.

"Howabout M&Ms? I have M&Ms?"
"No. Not now."

He took a drink of milk.

"I can have a cake now, Mom? Please?"
"No. No cake. Eat your breakfast."

He sat eating the rest of his toast and sausage while looking out the window. I tried to comment on the snow. I asked him what he wanted to do today.  I talked about our plans for the weekend. Nothing. No response from him. I gave up and started clearing my plate when Oliver piped up,

"I love you, Mom! I can have candy now?!"
"I love you too but no candy."
"You don't love me."

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