I have been seeing the grim reaper. I know, I know... before you say anything about the grim reaper not existing, well... I don't care. Last night I was lying on my futon, and I looked up in a semi-conscious state and was freaked out by a black blanket draped over my loft. It had been bunched up in just a way that it looked incredibly like the grim reaper's hooded cloak. After a momentary startle, I was okay and I stood up and moved the blanket so it was no longer so ominous looking.
But then, just before daylight this morning, I woke up and looked up at my loft again to see... THE GRIM REAPER. Only this time, not only was it my black blanket draped like a hood, it was draped like a hood over the top of my favorite stuffed bear. Don't tell me that isn't freaky, because it is.
Now, I'm not a superstitious person and I didn't take that as an omen of death or anything, but... still. I admit it creeped me out. I went back to bed, and had a dream that I went horseback riding only to realize too late (after crossing a fiery bridge, of course) that the four horsemen I was riding with were THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE.

I'll admit, that was a freaky dream. I don't know that I was even really conscious of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. In fact, if somebody had asked me about it before today, I probably would have said "I don't know." Then, to top it off, I even recalled the horsemen's names. (Yeah, I know. They have names. They are: Pestilence, War, Famine & Death.) So that would lead a person in a susceptible state of mind to conclude that either: 1.) I paid a lot more attention to Fr. Martin's freaky end-times lectures than I thought, and I am an incredible student OR 2.) The grim reaper is out to get me, and is whispering these freaking knowledges into my brain.
Now, being the non-superstitious person I am, I chose to believe option one. In an attempt to laugh it off, I pulled down the black blanket and looked at it. Then it came to me: I have no idea where this blanket came from or how I got it. Feeling a little stupid, I looked all over for a tag. None existed. I probably sat for 3 whole minutes trying to remember how I acquired that blanket, but I haven't the faintest. So... again, that could lead a person in a susceptible state of mind to conclude that either: 1.) I am a forgetful person (who can still somehow remember all fo the names of The Four Horsemen) and I probably stole the blanket from a friend, sister, etc and never returned it. OR 2.) The blanket found its way to me through Fate, and was actually hand-knit by the satanic knitting needles of Lucifer himself.
Again, I choose option number 1. But still... You can't blame me for being a bit weirded out.
(But seriously, don't be sending me any packages containing skulls or scythes or anything.)
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